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How Cannabis Improve Focus and Creativity

Cannabis has long been used by our ancestors for various purposes including fuel, feed, medicine, rituals, and recreation.

As such, arts and popular culture haven’t been immune to its magical effects either.

Rumors of its use or consumption by artists and innovators alike from all walks of life have been heard by us at some point.

Whether you’re a frequent user, an occasional one, or someone who’s already quit marijuana, one thing that’s been commonly reported; albeit, only anecdotally, is that it does help with focus, imagination, and creativity!

So if you want to learn an instrument, scribble down a thought, or draw a quick piece of artwork, all you have to do is take a few hits of marijuana, and you will be in a far better zone to give life to your ideas.

So what’s the secret behind it? Why does marijuana make you creative and more focused?

Well, in this post, we’ll be answering all of that and more.

Cannabis for Creativity

While there is no specific way to assess creativity, many successful and creative people have come out in support of marijuana when it comes to enhancing their creativity levels.

Prominent figures including Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga, Jimi Hendrix, and even Barack Obama have admitted that smoking pot did help them relax and come up with better and original thoughts.

All-in-all, over 50% of regular users have confirmed experiencing a heightened level of creativity and imagination when they are stoned.

How does it do it? Well, the primary reason for such a boost in one’s creativity level during marijuana intoxication is said to be THC or tetrahydrocannabinol which is the main psychoactive compound found in cannabis plant breeds.

THC has been associated with regulating a lot of our bodily functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, pain, and so on. 

Similarly, it has also been found to reduce inhibition or self-censorship and stimulate the secretion of our happy hormone- dopamine in the striatum. That part of our brain which is responsible for carrying out creative tasks such as writing or any other job that requires creative thinking.

By boosting the brain’s dopamine levels, THC or cannabis as a whole can give you a feeling of extreme euphoria while making you more productive, focused, and creative.

The Science behind it

Cannabis, or THC to be specific, is known to enhance our divergent thinking by stimulating the blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobe which allows the neurons to react in a more uninhibited way.

Divergent thinking is one of the ways along with convergent thinking in which scientists and neurologists try to comprehend the intricacies of our creative processes.

Often associated with brainstorming, it is the process of thinking freely and coming up with as many solutions as you can for an unclear or loosely defined problem.

Along with maximizing our divergent thinking, weed also deactivates certain areas of our brain that are known to inhibit creative ideation and divergent thinking. For instance, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which is associated with inhibition, self-censorship, and the cognitive control of our emotions.

In other words, it is what creates the seeds of doubt in our minds, forcing us to judge our own emotions and the ideas as they emerge.

By slowing this area down, cannabis can help us think, imagine, and create in a more judgment-free manner.

By un-inhibiting the mind, it also promotes the creative flow which is a byproduct of divergent thinking and the state of being fully present and immersed in the current situation or the task at hand. Thus, improving our focus as well.

When taken in the right dosage, cannabis can also help us nail the different aspects of creative thinking such as creative imagination, creative focus, creative awareness, creative connection, and creative reflection. In short, the 5 Cs of creativity!

The right dosage of cannabis for creativity

According to whatever limited research has been published or carried out, THC works best in terms of productivity and creativity when taken in low or moderate doses of 3 mg or less.

In other words, up to 10% THC in a marijuana product is the best-recommended dose for improving focus and creativity, and it can also improve your verbal fluency to some extent.

However, the true effects of marijuana vary greatly from person to person as it works differently for every individual.

Therefore, the most practical approach to gaining its effects is to start slow with lower doses of THC and gradually build it from there until you find the right dosage.

Besides, studies also seem to show that it is not the higher doses of THC that promote open-mindedness, creativity, and overall cognition, but the lower doses of it.

To maximize its positive effects further, you might want to consume THC along with other cannabinoids or compounds found in weed such as CBD, CBN, and terpenes as they are known to work more efficiently in synergy in a phenomenon called the “entourage effect.”

What is the Entourage Effect?

In terms of cannabis, the “entourage effect” takes place when multiple compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes work together in synergy to produce a better quality of ‘high’ and the desired effects.

Moreover, since every strain of cannabis has a different chemical composition, the chemicals involved also tend to react differently in our bodies by interacting with each other in a variety of unique combinations.

Depending on these unique combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes, the end effects of weed may also vary from focus, creativity, energy, and determination to peace, serenity, and sleep.

As a result, some strains are more likely to be better for enhancing creativity than others.

Best Cannabis Strains for Creativity

Since creativity has more to do with the THC content, any strain or variety of weed with a considerable amount of THC can be considered promising.

In that, Sativa-dominant strains would naturally be more effective than Indica strains when it comes to improving your creativity level due to the higher amounts of THC in them.

However, that does not mean that Indica strains would have any less THC than the required amount to stimulate the necessary functions or control the inhibitions of the mind.

That said, some of the most popular strains for focus and creativity are:

  • Jack Herer (Sativa-dominant)
  • Purple Haze (Sativa-dominant hybrid)
  • Sour Diesel (Sativa-dominant hybrid)
  • Chemdawg (Indica-dominant)
  • Amnesia Haze (Indica/ Sativa)
  • Blue Dream (Sativa-dominant hybrid)
  • Kali Mist (Sativa-heavy)
  • Durban Mist (Pure Sativa)
  • AK-47 (Sativa-dominant hybrid)
  • Green Crack (Sativa-dominant strain)

And the list goes on.

Now, as many options of strains that there are, with each having its taste and smell, cannabis also provides you with a number of ways in which you can consume it and obtain the desired effects like creativity in this case.

From smoking, eating, and drinking to vaping, dabbing, and other forms of consumption such as sublingual intake, there are all kinds of innovative methods that you can use to gain its effects.

All you need to be vary of is the timing of the intake as the onset of its effects will largely depend on the type of the product. 

E.g. smoking is the fastest way to feel the hit with the sensation lasting for about 3-4 hours.

Eating, on the other hand, is the slowest to produce the supposed effects of marijuana. That’s because, in the form of an edible or beverage, the cannabis content has to go through the entire digestive system before it can reach our brain through our bloodstream and start showing its effects. Nonetheless, they have the longest-lasting hit of all the other methods that are known to be utilized for consuming cannabis.

For the best output though, it is important to understand your requirements firsthand and be vary of the environment in which you live before choosing your favorite weed potion.

Tips to use cannabis for creativity and focus

Cannabis is a multi-dimensional herb that has been believed to work miracles across more layers of the human psyche than one can contemplate.

As a sacred and one of the oldest plants to have grown on its own, it has been claimed to have several therapeutic and recreational benefits including creativity and concentration.

But just like any other drug or medicine, there are certain things to remember when using marijuana, be it for any reason.

  • Set your purpose or goal or what you want to achieve or create before taking weed to not deviate from the path later on. Because once you start doing an activity after smoking a joint, chances are, you’d lose track of time and space, and be lost in the task at hand. Hence, focus is guaranteed!
  • Beware of the surrounding environment and avoid disturbances and unwanted visits when you are in the zone and ready to work on your muse.
  • You might also want to switch between different strains to get a new experience and taste every time.
  • Just don’t forget to start with a low dosage as each strain may have a different level of intensity and strength.

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